

屏大捷克最好夥伴赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋大學(Univerzita Hradec Králové,UHK)推派該校諮商中心主任Zdenka Kulhankova 3月17-22日到本校實行歐盟2024年職員移動力訓練感到非常高興。此訓練主要目標是吸取及分享實務經驗以供特殊學生的需求。
National Pingtung University (NPTU) feels honor to have Ms. Zdenka Kulhankova, the head of the Councelling Centre of Univerzita Hradec Králové(UHK), from March 17th to March 22nd for Erasmus+ project of staff training. The goal of mobility is to exchange experiences and share good practice in providing support for students with specific needs.

因此,屏大國際事務處根據Zdenka Kulhankova主任行政專責安排學生諮商中心及職涯輔導組參訪,透過洪菁惠主任帶領和同仁分享學生諮商中心的設備及業務、陳正佑處長則分享職涯輔導組目前所正進行的業務,讓Zdenka Kulhankova主任體驗屏大所做的業務及成果。此外, 她也分享UHK及捷克相關資訊讓有興趣前往交換的學生聆聽。
Therefore NPTU arranged Student Counseling Center led by Dr. HUNG Jing-Hui and Career Service Center led by Dr. CHEN Cheng-Yu for Ms. Zdenka Kulhankova’s administrative expertise to exchange the ideas and share experience. We also are glad that she had a seminar about UHK & Czech Republic for NPTU students who are planning to exchange there.

除了上述活動, 我們也安排資訊學院、教育學院及大武山學院與Zdenka Kulhankova主任討論更多未來合作的可能性。
Except above activities, we also arranged deans from Colleges of Computer Science, Education, Mt. Dawu to explore further cooperative possibilities.

During Ms. Zdenka Kulhankova’s visit, not only she learned a lot from us, but we also learned a lot from her, we do look forward to having more interaction between two universities in the near future.