111.12.28 澳大利亞合作夥伴國際飯店管理學院與本校簽訂合作備忘錄
澳大利亞合作夥伴國際飯店管理學院(International College of Hotel Management, ICHM)於2022年12月28日拜會本校並簽署合作備忘錄。
陳永森校長與本校管理學院4位師長及國際事務處同仁與ICHM的全球銷售總監Ms. Tiffany Lee及其同仁說明關於推廣留學計劃的主題,邀請學生到阿德萊德學習一個學期,然後在 ICHM 酒店合作夥伴中進行帶薪工作安排(實習),可能在澳大利亞酒店或國外進行 6 個月。
討論結束後,區域招聘經理Joey Wang先生舉辦了一場研討會,讓休閒事業經營系學生及其他感興趣的學生可以了解更多關於ICHM Study board Program的信息。
2022.12.28 the visit of ICMH
Australia partner, International College of Hotel Management (ICMH), visited NPTU in December 28, 2022 and signed the MOU.
The delegation from NPTU led by President Prof. Dr. Robert Chen with 5 faculties members and the delegation from ICHM led by Global Sales Director Ms. Tiffany Lee have developed a topic regarding promoting the Study Aboard Program which invites students to study at Adelaide for one semester and then undertake a paid work placement (internship) in ICHM hotel partners which may be in an Australian hotel or abroad for 6 months.
After the discussion, there was a seminar held by Mr. Joey Wang, Regional Recruiter Manager that NPTU students in Leisure Management Department or other interested students could learn more about ICHM Study aboard Program.
陳永森校長與本校管理學院4位師長及國際事務處同仁與ICHM的全球銷售總監Ms. Tiffany Lee及其同仁說明關於推廣留學計劃的主題,邀請學生到阿德萊德學習一個學期,然後在 ICHM 酒店合作夥伴中進行帶薪工作安排(實習),可能在澳大利亞酒店或國外進行 6 個月。
討論結束後,區域招聘經理Joey Wang先生舉辦了一場研討會,讓休閒事業經營系學生及其他感興趣的學生可以了解更多關於ICHM Study board Program的信息。
2022.12.28 the visit of ICMH
Australia partner, International College of Hotel Management (ICMH), visited NPTU in December 28, 2022 and signed the MOU.
The delegation from NPTU led by President Prof. Dr. Robert Chen with 5 faculties members and the delegation from ICHM led by Global Sales Director Ms. Tiffany Lee have developed a topic regarding promoting the Study Aboard Program which invites students to study at Adelaide for one semester and then undertake a paid work placement (internship) in ICHM hotel partners which may be in an Australian hotel or abroad for 6 months.
After the discussion, there was a seminar held by Mr. Joey Wang, Regional Recruiter Manager that NPTU students in Leisure Management Department or other interested students could learn more about ICHM Study aboard Program.