2023 國際姊妹校來訪: 泰國UBRU

泰國師範大學體系(Rajabhat Universities Network, RUN)合作夥伴之一(Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, UBRU)於2023年1月6日拜會本校討論未來可能合作事宜。
由林曉雯副校長帶領本校7位師長與Phassakon Nuntapanich 副校長率領的12位師長,雙方就能合作領域及學生交流部份展開討論。該校來訪人員以理學院及資訊學院師長為主,因此本校安排參訪理學院應用化學、應用物理實驗室及資訊學院的VAR體感技術中心,期望吸引UBRU師生研究合作及學生前來交換及就讀。

Vice President Sheau-Wen Lin and colleaugues welcome the delegates from UBRU, Thailand for future cooperation.
On Friday, Jan 6th 2023 Vice President Prof. Dr. Sheau-Wen Lin and 7 faculty members from National Pingtung University accompanied with Vice President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phassakon Nuntapanich and 12 delegates from Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University discussed about both parties’ proposals for future academic cooperation.
After the meeting, NPTU hosted luncheon and campus tours to Pingshih and Pingshang Campuses for the guests to visit labs of College of Science and VAR Center.